‘BODHI’ – a name synonymous to Enlightenment and Empowerment, is a very promising venture undertaken by the students of LBS-ITW this year. Very basically ‘a hobby club’, BODHI has a lot more to it than just hobby. It is a perfect platform for aspiring “literature-enthusiasts” to gain their needful knowledge.
In addition to inculcating the love for literature amidst its members, the club seeks to improve the universal-awareness – of its members and non-members alike. They organize regular quiz contests and award the winners rightfully.
As a literary-cum-knowledge club, Bodhi has succeeded in inspiring young engineers TO READ – between the lines and beyond the textbooks. It has broadened their horizons and created opportunities to express their thoughts. The fortnightly meetings of the club usually have an excellent exchange of ideas on socially relevant topics – through speeches, poems or prose.

The modest inaugural ceremony of the club held on .09.2017 at the Seminar hall- involved a logo release and two exciting competitions, in addition to the usual formal procedures. The abovementioned events – VAAGMI and JIGNASA were nothing less than ‘talent extravaganzas’. While VAAGMI had a bunch of young girls use their gift of gab to edge over fellow contestants, then JIGNASA saw a sea of participants struggling to juggle between time and right answers.