R&Ee Forum
The Continuing education activities of the college are being coordinated by the Research and Enhanced Education (R&Ee) Forum. The forum helps in extending the expertise and infrastructure of the college to the benefit of the public in addition to the students of LBSITW. The forum conducts short-term training programs in various areas of Electronics and Computer Science to the students of LBSITW and for outsiders. The R&Ee forum helps in generating revenue for the college and also enables faculty members update themselves with the cutting edge of technology.
In order to prepare the students to meet the challenges of the fast developing IT industry, we are conducting CISCO Networking Certificate Course to the students of our institution. We have registered and become a local academy of CISCO for this programme. The classes for this programme have started in March 2003. About 35 students have completed the training for CCNA.
Computer Hardware & Networking
Computer Hardware & Networking (Internship)
Crack GATE and other Competitive Exams with CSE-IT@GATECOM
A short-term internship course on COMPUTER
HARDWARE AND NETWORKING for +2 students (those who want to study engineering degree)