
LBS Institute of Technology for Women

LBS Insti­tute of Tech­nol­ogy for Women, Poo­jap­pura, Thiru­vanan­tha­pu­ram, started func­tion­ing in 2001, is the first Women Engi­neer­ing Col­lege in the state, man­aged by LBS Cen­tre for Sci­ence and Technology (LBSCST), Thiru­vanan­tha­pu­ram. LBSCST, the pre­mier insti­tu­tion of com­puter training/consultancy, was estab­lished by the Gov­ern­ment of Ker­ala in 1976. The Cen­tre is admin­is­tered by a gov­ern­ing body and an exec­u­tive com­mit­tee. The Honorable Chief Min­is­ter is the Chair­man of the gov­ern­ing body and the hon­or­able min­is­ter for Edu­ca­tion is the Vice-​Chairman.

LBSITW is the only engi­neer­ing col­lege for women in the Gov­ern­ment sec­tor in the state of Kerala. The Insti­tute offers B.Tech pro­grams in Elec­tron­ics and Com­mu­ni­ca­tion, Electronics & Computer Engineering, Applied Electron­ics & Instru­men­ta­tion, Com­puter Sci­ence and Engi­neer­ing, Infor­ma­tion Tech­nol­ogy & Civil Engi­neer­ing and M.Tech pro­grams in Sig­nal Pro­cess­ing and Com­puter Sci­ence & Engi­neer­ing.


To be a cen­tre of aca­d­e­mic excel­lence empow­er­ing women in tech­ni­cal domain.


Impart­ing value based tech­ni­cal edu­ca­tion for trans­form­ing young women to pro­fes­sion­als excelling glob­ally in aca­d­e­mics, research & devel­op­ment and indus­try meet­ing soci­etal challenges.


Core val­ues:

  • Excel­lence – We strive to excel and grow as we work together to sup­port the insti­tute for teach­ing, research, and service.
  • Integrity– We believe pro­fes­sional excel­lence requires per­sonal and orga­ni­za­tional integrity and a col­lec­tive com­mit­ment to eth­i­cal behav­ior.
  • Respect– Our rela­tion­ships are based on mutual respect and per­sonal trust­wor­thi­ness and are strength­ened by open communication.
  • Team­work–We value team­work and col­lab­o­ra­tion, which con­tribute to our efforts to achieve per­sonal and shared goals.
  • Envi­ron­men­tal Aware­ness-we are com­mit­ted to pro­mote envi­ron­men­tal aware­ness, global think­ing and local action in all that we do.


Ph.D in Enhancing Trust for Storage and Access in Cloud Environment

We want the education by which character is formed, strength of mind is increased, the intellect is expanded, and by which one can stand on one’s own feet

Greetings and a very warm welcome to LBSITW!
   In the new knowledge age, intellectual competitiveness is essential for achieving the status of a leader. It has always been our belief that every student has an unending pool of talent that needs to be fostered. A proper care and guidance will help the students to develop right attitude, values and practices that enable each individual to excel in future. The main focus of our Institution is to empower students with sound knowledge, wisdom, passion for innovation and latest know-how in cutting-edge technologies to experience and face the challenges of a highly networked global environment. The wonderful infrastructure and good learning environment prevailing in our College help to provide an enjoyable and easy learning experience to all our students.
May it be individual or institution, each has its own character, its own distinct identity. But what stands out is ‘Knowledge’ with ‘Values’. It is this philosophy we are following in our institution.



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“When you help a woman fulfil her potential, magic happens”

   A very warm welcome to all of you who have nurtured a strong desire to become engineers and to contribute to the development of a more equitable and inclusive society.
The world is incomplete without the technological innovations. Hence, engineers are the builders of the world, as we know. If only one gender is engaged in the development of the world then this process would be incomplete. It is this acute vacuum that LBSITW addresses and empowering women for the engineering progress is out motto. Our students are groomed to not only excel in academics but also to participate in many co-circular activities like sports, games, seminars, community development programs, and many more activities. This fosters their all round development and prepares them to prosper in their lives along with giving valuable contributions to the society.
A woman is the full circle, within her is the power is to create, nurture and transform. Our institution takes great pride in that it has been contributing benchmark women professionals to the society with impeccable technical skills along with excellent human values. Our alumni are innovators, inventors, entrepreneurs, administrators, researchers, and great human beings.


Dr. M Abdul Rahiman, an eminent academician and an able administrator, is the Director of LBS Centre for Science & Technology. Dr. Rahman was the First Batch student of LBS College of Engg and later worked as a faculty there. He served as the first Pro-Vice-Chancellor of APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University (KTU), Kerala. He was the Managing Director of Kerala State Centre for Advanced Printing and Training (C-APT).

He is also the former Director, All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), the apex body of technical education under the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India which regulates Engineering, Management, Architecture, Hotel Management, Pharmacy institutions of the country. Dr. Rahman also served as Director, VHSE, Govt. of Kerala.

Having joined in University as the founder PVC, he has been at the forefront of bringing in some radical changes in the Academics, Examination, and Administration of the KTU. He brought transparency and accountability in its administration through the implantation of e-Governance in the University. The Online system at KTU was developed under his leadership. He is also instrumental in bringing out many positive changes in the AICTE through e-Governance during his tenure as its Director. He also associated with the implementation of Prime Minister’s Scholarship Scheme for the State of Jammu & Kashmir with the aim to encourage the youth of J&K to pursue higher studies throughout the country. Dr. Rahman also contributed to the implementing the National Vocational Education Qualification framework which would help in promoting skill-based competency.

Dr. Abdul Rahman is a Ph.D. graduate in Computer Science & Engg, having PGDHRM and MBA degrees. He has authored and edited a few books published by reputed international publishers and published over 100 papers in academic journals and international and national proceedings.