Par­ent Teacher Asso­ci­a­tion (PTA) is formed with a view to main­tain effec­tive inter­ac­tion between the insti­tu­tion and par­ents. The effec­tive executions of PTA activ­i­ties are carried out by the Exec­u­tive Com­mit­tee based on the deliberations of the Gen­eral Body Meetings. The Exec­u­tive Com­mit­tee which includes both teach­er and par­ent rep­re­sen­ta­tives, meets once in a month to dis­cuss the issues connected with the smooth functioning of the col­lege. Two Gen­eral Body meet­ings are conducted in an academic year for dis­cussing all the issues regard­ing the students and the func­tion­ing of the col­lege.

The PTA fund con­tributed by the stu­dents at the time of admis­sion is uti­lized for the ben­e­fit of the stu­dents as per the decisions of the Executive Committee.  A large num­ber of activ­i­ties are car­ried out by the PTA - Proficiency awards to top­pers in all branches in each semester, Scholarships to finan­cially weak but academically proficient students, student welfare activities and pro­cure­ment of urgently required books for the library are some of them. It also pro­vides a repro­graphic cen­tre at the cam­pus for the benefit of the students. The PTA is giv­ing full sup­port to all activ­i­ties of stu­dents both within and out­side the class room.

Dr. Smithamol M B, Principal

Prof. Diliya M Khan
Tel: +91 9447227862

Dr. Baiju P S

Tel: +91 9895016065
