Department of Electrical Engineering (EE)
As an under graduate Engineering branch of study, there are very good reasons why electrical engineering remains the top choice for aspiring students among all the available engineering options. This core field opens up multiple career options for students in many industries that can never fade away. Even companies prefer electrical graduates due to their heightened mathematical skills that they develop during the course. The benefits of studying electrical engineering are indeed limitless without a doubt, electrical engineering is truly one of the most intriguing engineering streams that are sure to set your career. The above benefits are proof of the subject’s influence on your professional life which will continue throughout your lifetimes.
Your bad luck that LBS ITW doesn’t have any student intake for the department and looking forward the beginning of it and now functioning to support the mainstream departments of the college like CSE, IT, EC, AE, CE handling various theory subjects, projects, practical offered from Electrical Engineering as per KTU curriculum. The Dept. is taking care of the whole power distribution system of the college by providing essential service and maintenance and handling various consultancy projects.
The Electrical Division is well established with vibrant faculty members and well setup laboratories. Highly qualified staff and extra skilled supporting staff whom are totally dedicated to work are the strength of the department. The staff members are involving day to day college activities and caries out consultancy work in Electrical field with active involvement of students.