The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering started in the year 2001, offers B.Tech in Electronics and Communication & Engineering (ECE) and Applied Electronics and Instrumentation (AEI) since 2001. Later, this department started M.Tech program in Signal Processing (from 2012 onwards) and B.Tech program in Electronics and Computer Engineering (from 2022 onwards).

The department is equipped with lab facilities including modern electronic measurement devices. The department also has a collection of industrial software tools which have been utilized by the students and faculty in research activities in the field of signal processing, communication, antenna design. The department has a strong research culture which tunes the research skill of the student. This enables the students to have a research culture once they passed out from this institute. The department is blessed with a group of experienced & dedicated faculty Mem­bers.

Instruction Process is sys­tematic, well planned & unin­terrupted in all respect. Our students have steady and consistent performance in university exams & secured several ranks in the University.

To know more about the department’s activities and facilities, visit the respective program pages.


To become a centre of excellence in Electronics, Communication, Instrumentation and Computer Engineering to facilitate professional education and research keeping higher level of value systems.


M1: To transform young women to high quality engineers, entrepreneurs and researchers with ethical values.

M2: To contribute creative engineering solutions to industry by keeping pace with latest technological advancements.

M3: To provide intellectual services to the society by the application of Electronics, Communication, Instrumentation and Computer Engineering.


LBS Insti­tute of Tech­nol­ogy for Women
Poo­jap­pura, Thiru­vanan­tha­pu­ram – 695 012
Ph. Office : 0471– 2349252,
Mob: 9446702004