In accordance with Chapter VIII of the Ordinance to establish APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University (KTU), Government of Kerala vide GO(Ms) No. 93/2015/HEdn dated 11.03.2015 have made affiliation of all institutions which imparts education in Engineering and Technology in the State of Kerala with KTU as mandatory from the academic year 2015-16 onward. In view of this B.Tech and M.Tech programmes offered by LBS Institute of Technology for Women, Poojappura are affiliated to APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University (http://ktu.edu.in/) from the Academic Year 2015-16 onwards.
Admission Helpline:
9447900411, 94952079006
9895983656, 9497603600
9447329978, 9744690855
9074624334, 0471 2349232
To consider admission in LBSITW for the arising vacancies in future, please express your interest by submitting the enclosed form. Admission process will be completed as per the respective prospectus when vacancies arise.
Tel: +91 9497603600
Email: principal@lbsitw.ac.in
Tel: +91 9895983656
Email: administrativeofficer@lbsitw.ac.in
Tel: +91 9495207906