TEQIP BOG Meetings
- Minutes of BOG meeting held on 05/09/2019 (Nineteenth BOG)
- Minutes of BOG meeting held on 09/01/2018(Eighteenth BOG)
- Minutes of BOG meeting held on 21/10/2016 (Sixteenth BOG)
- Minutes of BOG meeting held on 17/06/2016 (Fifteenth BOG)
- Minutes of BOG meeting held on 09/03/2016 (Fourteenth BOG)
- Minutes of BOG meeting held on 26/11/2015 (Thirteenth BOG)
- Minutes of BOG meeting held on 08/06/2015 (Twelveth BOG)
- Minutes of BOG meeting held on 03/03/2015(Eleventh BOG)
- Minutes of BOG meeting held on 24/10/2014 (Tenth BOG)
- Minutes of BOG meeting held on 04/07/2014 (Ninth BOG)
- Minutes of BOG meeting held on 04/07/2014 (Ninth BOG)
- Minutes of BOG meeting held on 03/04/2014 (Eighth BOG)
- Minutes of BOG meeting held on 17/01/2014(Seventh BOG)
- Minutes of BOG meeting held on 08/11/2013(Sixth BOG)
- Minutes of BOG meeting held on 01/08/2013(Fifth BOG)
- Minutes of BOG meeting held on 22/03/2013(Fourth BOG)
- Minutes of BOG meeting held on 21/12/2012(Third BOG)
- Minutes of BOG meeting held on 10/10/2012(Second BOG)
- Minutes of BOG meeting held on 05/07/2011(First BOG)