Product Invention refers to creating new products or services for the current market. It may consist of creating something new to meet the needs of customers in a particular niche.
LBSITW has developed a new automation software product in collaboration with the Information Technology wing of our parent organisation LBS Centre for Science and Technology. Two of our Departments (Computer Science Engineering – CSE , Electronics & Communication Engineering – ECE) actively participated in the development of this software product.
After the first phase of the product was completed, the product was named LOGICS (LBS Official & General Information Coordination System). This product was then further expanded by adding several add-on modules. This software is currently being used in all the Engineering Colleges, Degree College, Head Office/Regional/ Sub Centres under LBSCST across Kerala. Various services like Academic Activity Management, Admission Management, Payroll Management, Biometric Punching & Attendance Mnagement etc. are now included as part of this product. In addition to this, this product was marketed to several other Government / Semi Government Institutions like Kerala State Library Council for their office automation.
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WESAT: Women Engineered Satellite
We are aiming to launch our own satellite WESAT by the end of this year in collaboration with ISRO. If the satellite is successfully launched, this can provide important clues to the understanding of atmospheric warming and the related health hazards. The project will also help to realize the possibilities of extreme climatic changes with respect to the state of Kerala. The project has significant importance based on the recent heat waves and increase in temperature due to climate change and global warming that are adversely affecting our state. The design of the satellite is owned by us which we are aiming to produce a patent. As a first step, a ground monitoring station is successfully setup at our campus. This product (WESAT) design and related activities are being done under the leadership of Electronics & Communication Engineering (ECE) department.

Design and Fabrication of Automatic Feeding Grass Cutting, Cleaning and Disinfecting Machine (AFGCC&DM) for Trivandrum Zoo
Herbivores like hippopotamus, rhinoceros, zebra, buffalo, bison, mithun etc. needs approximately1.5 tonnes of grass per day. This fodder should be clean and disinfected so as to avoid contagious and non-contagious diseases. Disinfection and cleaning of fodder should be completed within three hours. The machine developed for this disinfection and cleaning is about 35 feet long and 2.5 feet in diameter. The fodder goes through a series of mechanisms like cutting, cleaning, double washing, drying etc. Finally the fodder is dried and ready for consumption by the animal. Fodder goes through processes like cutting, cleaning, double washing etc. in this machine. Finally the fodder is dried and ready for consumption by the animals. Also the final product is virus and bacteria free. The client approached us with these objectives and after that designing and development based on these objectives were met. This product (AFGCC&DM) design and related activities are being done under the leadership of Mechanical Engineering (ME) department.

A Cost Effective solution for Continuous Air Quality Monitoring
Air quality monitoring mainly adopts setting sophisticated sensors at specific monitoring stations in cities with fixed-time sampling and slow analysis, severely restricted by time and location. In India, the monitoring stations set up are very limited in number and sparsely deployed because of high setup and maintenance costs, which impedes the government from giving early warnings to sensitive people and accurately assessing the health impact of exposure to particulate pollution levels. The integrated software cum hardware solution that we have developed serves as an alternate method without complicated hardware requirements and additional facilities for air quality monitoring. Moreover, it can be used anywhere, in both cities and rural areas unlike the current monitoring stations. In addition, particulate matter monitoring using mages can serve as an information source complementary to official data. This product (Continuous Air Quality Monitor) design and related activities are being done under the leadership of Electronics & Communication Engineering (ECE) department.

Aerobic Bin (Cylindrical )
Aerobic bin is a cylindrical structure with 4.3 height and 2.8 ft diameter. It is made up of coin sheet and wire mesh.
▫️Capacity of bin is about 500kg.
▫️By this we can convert all food waste produced in campus to manure.
▫️Final compost can be mixed with soil and used as manure for agriculture, gardening etc.
▫️Leachate collected at the base can be diluted with water in a ratio of 1:20 and used as a fertiliser.