ECE Conferences
National Conference on “National Conference on Advances in Communication, Signal Processing and Instrumentation” on 23rd & 24th April 2020 (

National Conference on “Advances in Computational Intelligence & Communication Technologies on 26th to 27th April 2013, in association with The departments of ECE and CSE, LBS Institute of Technology for Women. (Brochure)

Seminars and Symposiums
- Kanjana G, Asst. Professor, coordinated an expert talk on Machine Learning delivered by Dr. Sunil T T, Professor, College of Engineering, Attingal on April 12th , 2021.
- Hema S, Asst. Professor, coordinated an expert talk on Cognitive Radio Based Sensing for 5G delivered by Dr. Chris Prema, Asst. Professor, Dept. of Avionics, IIST, Trivandrum on September 4th,2020.
- Smitha K S, Asst. Professor, coordinated an expert talk on Nanomaterials and its Applications delivered by Dr. Smitha P S, Asst. Professor, SCT College of Engineering, on April 16th,2021.
- Anusree L, Asst. Professor, coordinated and expert talk on Optical Fiber Communication delivered by Mr. Hareesh S.V., Divisional Engineer, BSNL-RTTC on December5,2020
- Expert talk (3 hrs) on “Recent trends in Medical Electronics” by A.Sukeshkumar, Retd.professor,DTE on 30/07/2018.
- Expert talk (3 hrs) on “Evolving Technologies in 5G ” by Mr. Praveen kumar D, Senior sub divisional engineer, BSNL on 06/02/2017.
- Expert talk (3 hrs) on “Carrier class 5G Wireless Hot-spots” by Mr. Praveen kumar D, Senior sub divisional engineer, BSNL on 15/12/ 2015.