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Yagna Dhruva 2022

Yagna Dhruva is the annual, national level inter collegiate techno-cultural extravaganza of LBSITW Trivandrum.

The queen of all fests ascended the throne in 2009 unlocking true potential and unleashing sheer excellence ever since. The first half of the name ‘Yagna‘ stands for the technical aspects of the event and the second half ‘Dhruva‘ stands for the diverse cultural programs. A social cause is undertaken, strived for and given wings to every year while hosting ‘Yagna Dhruva’ which exactly makes it truly remarkable.

Every year Yagna Dhruva endeavors a social cause and since YD is celebrating its 12th year of success and uniqueness, it is more than appropriate to celebrate the bravery of 12 acid attack survivors. YD’22 aspires to help all these 12 acid attack survivors who are learning about the new world they need to pitch in and about how to accept who they are no matter what. A survivor is someone who takes the courage to face their life and the ups and downs with their head high enough that no one can bring them down. Lets all stand saluting to all those survivors out there for this YD.

TAGLINE – ‘Impel anew legacy’. Yagna Dhruva has carved her name in the hearts of Trivians. It is after two years that ‘Yagna Dhruva’ is ascending her throne post pandemic. And now we are all charged up to bring her back with all the her fierce, strength, power and potent.

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